Lid opener can work for people with extremely impaired handfunction
Lid opener can work for people with extremely impaired handfunction
Magnets of different strengths sewn into wheelchair gloves – suitable for individuals with impaired handfunctions
Scissors tongs can be used to withdraw credit cards from pay stations.
A voice controlled device used as an environmental control, to play music, to surf on the internet, and more
Key ring on lid enables a person with impaired hand function to open the container
Sweeping up Lego is much easier than trying to pick up all the pieces, one by one – a simple method for parents with disabilities
– an option for people with disabilities
With the help of a simple string a person who uses a wheelchair can easily close the door from the inside
With the help of a handle a person who uses a wheelchair can easily close the door behind him
Accessible homemade wheelchair bag
With the help of a simple string a person with impaired hand function can easily flush the toilet
A simple solution for easier handling of a mobile phone – suitable for people with impaired hand function
– enables people with impaired hand function to unlock the apartment door independently
With the help of a loop a person with impaired hand function can easily pick up a wallet
– makes it possible to take toothpaste without needing to open/close the cap and without needing to squeeze the tube – suitable for people with impaired hand function
– simple adaptation that allows a person with reduced hand function to easily pull out the bath tub plug
Inconspicuous and spacious wheelchair bag that does not alter the center of gravity
A stable scissors suitable for people with disabilities with impaired hand function
Practical home-made buttoning device – suitable for people with impaired hand function
Easy adaptation that serves as a handle and stand for the phone for people with impaired hand function
Modifications enable a user without finger function to grasp controllers and use them
– an easy way to turn on the computer for people who drive a wheelchair
– suitable for people with extensive physical disabilities
– simplifies life for people with severe disabilities
A holder that enables people without finger function to hold a toothbrush
Using a key ring attached to the zipper – technique for people with extensive disabilities
– enables people with extensive disabilities to pick objects up from the floor
A small modified bag sits on the wheelchair and provides access to important medicines and valuables
Self-adhesive 3M Bumpons on the transmitter facilitates control for people with impaired hand function
A user with extensive disabilities can use a “bite tug” to help pull up a zipper on a jacket
– enable people with impaired hand function to hold a popsicle stick
– an easy way to attach a handbag
A simple way to be able to pick upp the phone and to attach it to the wheelchair – suitable for persons with impaired handfunction
Penholder for adapted pen on electrical wheelchair – suitable for persons with impaired handfunction
Thanks to the bottle holder you will always have your water bottle with you – suitable for persons using a wheelchair
Facilitates shopping and transporting objects – suitable for wheelchair users
Through a simple modified door, the user can leave the garage even in a power failure
Modifications that make it safe for a person with disabilities to drive while seated in a manual wheelchair
– suitable for people with impaired hand function
Custom-sewn bag for sliding board that can be attached to the wheelchair
– suitable for people with disabilities
Simple solution to close an outward opening door from inside – suitable for wheelchair users
….makes the bottle easy to grip and easy to bring along – suitable for people with impaired hand function
A gripping aid to improve grippfunction and to facilitate everyday activities for persons with impaired handfunction
Exercise Aids allowing indenpendent gymtraining för persone with impaired handfunction
People who use a wheelchair can increase their independence at home by using a standing wheelchair and they can also stretch their leg joints.
– suitable for wheelchair users
– practical for wheelchair users
Convenient storage for incontinence supplies for toilet visits outside the home
– makes it possible for a person who uses a wheelchair to turn on/off
– Suitable for wheelchair users
– a simple way to close doors – suitable for wheelchair users
The coffee table is lightweight and easy to move – suitable for wheelchair users
– a simple way for wheelchair users to transport firewood
Portable flower box on patio – suitable for wheelchair users
– aids people with impaired hand function
A nutcracker makes it easier to open screw tops – suitable for people with impaired hand function
Dog training for service dogs provides assistance in daily life to people with disabilities
A service dog can provide everyday help to people with disabilities by opening/closing doors or drawers
Service dog provides daily living assistance for people with disabilities
A service dog can provide everyday help to wheelchair users by carrying, fetching, or holding objects
– a training method for service dogs
Standing wheelchair facilitates housework – suitable for wheelchair users
A handle that makes it easier to open the refrigerator and freezer – suitable for people with impaired hand function
Wastebasket opens without having to touch it – suitable for people with disabilities
Laundry basket on casters is convenient for wheelchair users
Practical kitchen utensil for easy transfers of hot pots – suitable for people with disabilities
Wheelchair crane that lifts a manual wheelchair into and out of the car trunk – suitable for people with disabilities and low strength
Control elevator with wheelchair footrests/front wheels – an option for people without arm/hand function
Tray with many applications for people who drive a wheelchair
Aluminum suitcases for storage of fragile items such as music and computer accessories – can also be used as support or tray on lap for wheelchair users
Tray appropriate for people who sit in a wheelchair
Multi-tier serving platter that a person with impaired hand function can lift and hold
Technique for people with strong arms
Technique for people with strong arms
Motorized car trunk aids persons with disabilities
A gripping aid to reach into the car trunk – suitable for wheelchair users
Cord attached to a bowl works as handle and enables a person without dexterity to grasp the bowl and move it
An extra handle close to the door hinges makes it easier for a person who drives a wheelchair to close a door
Cup with straw on wheelchair table enables persons with extensive disabilities to drink unassisted
An emergency solution that makes it possible for a user in a wheelchair with impaired hand function to open the elevator door from the inside, if this should not occur automatically
Hay for horses is transported by hand truck
A lightweight wheelbarrow that is easy on the back – suitable for persons who have problems lifting and/or bending
Automatic can opener – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Universal pliers make it easy to take a hot baking sheet out of the oven – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
A can opener that is also useful for a pepper mill – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Easy to use wine bottle opener – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Easy-to-use universal device to close both hard and soft packages – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
An important assistive device for a person with a high spinal cord injury that can be used in many different situations
A simple modification enables a person with a high spinal cord injury to open and close a sliding door without assistance
Holder for flatware and typing sticks sewn onto wrist bandage, suitable for persons without wrist function or finger dexterity
Convenient storage for remote control units, always accessible, suitable for persons with disabilities
An environmental control system that can be operated from the bed is suitable for persons with high spinal cord injuries
Practical wooden shelf makes it easy for a wheelchair user to set the table
Remote controls with foam rubber and writing stick make it possible for persons with impaired hand function to use TV, stereo, etc
A holder on the wheelchair is practical for attaching various objects – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Suitable for persons with impaired hand function and who find it difficult to bend over to reach the floor
Sliding door with large handles – suitable for wheelchair users who have impaired hand function
“Selecta band” on shower handle makes it possible for persons without dexterity to hold on in the shower
A handle in orthotic material makes it possible for a person with impaired hand function to pull out a sliding board