Space-saving interior of a bathroom for disabled people
Space-saving interior of a bathroom for disabled people
Squeegee and sloping bathroom floor make it easier to wipe dry after a shower – suitable for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
Shower stall that frees up space in bathroom – suitable for people who drive wheelchairs and need maneuvering space
– an option for wheelchair users with strong arms
Curtain in front of the window at the shower protects the window from moisture – an option to have an open shower area next to a window
A wall-hung CD cabinet works well as a bathroom cabinet in tight spaces
Simple adapted sink cabinet – suitable for wheelchair users
Practical space-saving rotating bathroom cabinet, with mirror, shelves and open floor space – suitable for wheelchair users
Spacious and well-planned adapted bathroom for a person who uses a wheelchair and the entire family
Placement of sink and drawers in adapted bathroom
Wastebasket opens without having to touch it – suitable for people with disabilities
Pull-out washbasin next to toilet chair for convenient toileting for people with disabilities
Practical organizer for shower accessories – suitable for people with disabilities
Stable, convenient and space-saving shower chair – suitable for wheelchair users
Ordinary bathtub in adapted bathroom – a possibility for people with disabilities
Angled easy-grip grab bar – suitable in an adapted bathroom
Wall-mounted toilet with folding armrest – suitable for wheelchair users
Shower stall with walls that open and rubber strip – suitable for wheelchair users
Spacious bathroom – suitable for persons who need assistance in order to shower
A long and stable shower hose together with a convenient shower nozzle – suitable for people who shower while sitting on a shower chair
The electric toilet is a good alternative for a vacation home – suitable for wheelchair users
A bathroom addition – summer cottage solution for wheelchair users
Stable wall-mounted shower stool for easy transfers with sliding board
Toilet seat that facilitates bathroom visits and personal hygiene for persons with impaired hand function
Reinforced water reservoir extends life span of toilet chair used by persons who drive a wheelchair and have poor balance
Washbasin cabinet with curtain and shelf with cut-out section make it easier for wheelchair users to come close and maintain balance
Bathroom with ceiling lift and whirlpool tub
Adapted bathroom – suitable for a wheelchair user
Built-in washbasin with easily accessible low bathroom cabinets – suitable for wheelchair users
An elevated toilet seat makes it easier for wheelchair users to transfer to and from the toilet.
Sliding doors save room in tight spaces, appropriate for wheelchair users
Practical portable open storage unit in bathroom
Spacious bathroom adapted for a wheelchair user without any arm or hand function
Shower stall with folding walls, without plinth
Being able to look at fish and listen to music passes the time in the bathroom
Transfer to bathtub using an ordinary chair
Elevated toilet facilitates transfers for wheelchair users
Shower with custom-designed glass wall – appropriate for wheelchair users.
Well-functioning adapted bathroom suitable for wheelchair users.
Space-saving towel rack for many towels
Sliding doors save space and are suitable for wheelchair users.
Practical and aesthetic solution for washbasin that works for wheelchair users with impaired balance.
Larch wood bathtub with broad edge to help with transfers and stops for the feet – suitable for people with disabilities
Adapted bathroom in wood
Adapted bathroom in vacation home
Appropriate for persons who do not have arm or hand function.
Stable elevated toilet seat appropriate for heavy people with physical disabilities
Wall-mounted bathroom cabinet for easier cleaning
The wheelchair is locked to the shower stool for secure transfers
Combined shower and toilet chair on castors
Electric toothbrush attached to the side of the wash basin
Hand shower at wash basin
Practical storage for persons with limited reach or who use a wheelchair
Used not only as an aid for transfers, but also as an assistive device to enable high quadriplegics to wash.
A storage unit on castors can be used to keep many items organized and easily accessible, even for wheelchair users
Space-saving solution for persons with high spinal cord injuries who have a ceiling lift in the bathroom.
Shower stall with doors that seal directly against the floor is a good solution for wheelchair users.
Easy-to-use soap dispenser – appropriate for persons with impaired hand function
A hot bath can help persons who find it difficult to stay warm and have problems with spasticity
Solution for modified bathroom with crowded space.
A shallow washbasin works well for wheelchair users with limited reach
Air freshener spray can make it easier to accept help in intimate situations.
A small shower chair that helps maintain balance