Mittens with large opening adapted with hard rubber, used as wheelchair gloves in winter
Mittens with large opening adapted with hard rubber, used as wheelchair gloves in winter
A blanket sitting on the user’s lap is held in place by a mitten holder
– accessible for wheelchair users
– a good way to quickly increase heat, for example, in the bathroom or the workplace – suitable for people who easily freeze
Blanket that’s just the right size – suitable for wheelchair users
– easy to put on and take off while sitting – suitable for wheelchair users
– an option for wheelchair users with strong arms
Thermal insoles keep feet warm – suitable for people who easily freeze
Simple adaptation in sauna – suitable for wheelchair users
Heating pad – a good assistive device for people who freeze easily
Accessible sauna – suitable for persons who drive a wheelchair and who easily freeze
Simple tips for cooling off – suitable for persons who are sensitive to heat
Fur keeps legs warm – suitable for wheelchair users who easily freeze
Holds heat – appropriate for persons who easily freeze
Assembly gloves protect hands during work on a farm – suitable for persons with impaired sensation
Thermostat-controlled heated gloves
Appropriate clothing for people with disabilities
By opening up the wall above the bathroom door Anders can transfer from the bed directly to the bathtub using a ceiling lift
A glassed-in patio allows people who freeze easily to be outdoors on chilly days and evenings – suitable for wheelchair users
Freestanding heating fan is a good source of supplemental heating for persons who easily become cold
Spacious living room with glass walls on two sides – suitable for wheelchair users
Large sauna planned for electric wheelchair access
Fireplace provides extra heat for persons who have a hard time staying warm
Vest with built-in hot or cold pads, suitable for persons with problems regulating body temperature
Heating fan suitable for persons who find it difficult to regulate body temperature.
Rain cape appropriate for wheelchair users
Custom easy-to-use dodger keeps user warm and dry on boat; extremely suitable for persons with physical disabilities
Larch wood bathtub with broad edge to help with transfers and stops for the feet – suitable for people with disabilities
Sauna increases well-being of person with quadriplegia
Chaps are easy to put on and take off while sitting in a wheelchair.
A rain poncho for bicyclists works as rain gear for wheelchair users.
Wheat cushion appropriate for persons who freeze easily.
A water spray bottle works well for cooling off on hot days.
The ceiling fan helps when it gets too hot in the summer; appropriate for persons who have problems with temperature regulation.
Provides extra heat for persons who freeze easily.
Ceiling fan helps persons who have problems regulating body heat to sleep on hot summer nights.
For massages, to increase circulation and warm the body
Electric heating pad, practical for persons who have problems regulating body temperature
Custom-designed cap for persons with problems regulating body temperature
Since persons with high spinal cord injuries frequently do not tolerate excessively high or low temperatures it is important to maintain a constant temperature indoors
A heating fan by the workplace helps persons with impaired hand and/or arm function to avoid tension in their shoulders.
Cooling fan for persons who have problems with temperature control.
Used for extra heat in work room, appropriate for persons who get cold easily.
A hot bath can help persons who find it difficult to stay warm and have problems with spasticity
Vibrating foot bath can accelerate healing of wounds and improve circulation
Chaps-style trousers that can be put on without having to move from the wheelchair
An accessible sauna that can be used while sitting on a shower chair on casters
Heating pad with timer warms the bed