Shoelace with magnet makes it easier to put shoes on and take them off – suitable for people with impaired hand function
Shoelace with magnet makes it easier to put shoes on and take them off – suitable for people with impaired hand function
A zipper on support stockings makes it easier to put them on – suitable for people with disabilities
Practical home-made buttoning device – suitable for people with impaired hand function
Mittens with large opening adapted with hard rubber, used as wheelchair gloves in winter
Custom sewn wheelchair gloves with friction surface on the thumb that facilitates wheelchair driving for people with impaired hand function
Using a key ring attached to the zipper – technique for people with extensive disabilities
Technology to take off an outer jacket – suitable for a person with severe disabilities
Custom-made mittens make it possible for a person with extensive disabilities to dress and undress independently
– an aid when dressing that promote privacy
A user with extensive disabilities can use a “bite tug” to help pull up a zipper on a jacket
– a technique for people with extensive disabilities
A blanket sitting on the user’s lap is held in place by a mitten holder
The modification enables people with high tetraplegia to take off an outdoor jacket by themselves
Coverall trousers without a seat make dressing easier for wheelchair users
Easy to put on and take off – suitable for wheelchair users
Blouses in simple patterns – appropriate for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
Custom-tailored skirt that can easily be put on while sitting – suitable outer garment for people who use wheelchairs
– easy to put on and take off while sitting – suitable for wheelchair users
– functional, good fit – suitable for wheelchair users
Easy to put on and take off – suitable for wheelchair users
Easy to put on and take off – suitable for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
Suitable for wheelchair users
– good fit for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
– examples of clothing purchased in stores that can be appropriate for wheelchair users
– suitable for people with impaired hand function
– suitable for people with impaired hand function
– suitable for wheelchair users
Sturdy outdoor trousers used when raining, skiing and for “crawling”
A simple way to adapt trousers so they sit well both when standing and sitting
Long raincoat prevents gap in back when sitting
Technique for persons with strong arms
Technique for persons with strong arms
Holds heat – appropriate for persons who easily freeze
Adapted jacket – facilitates dressing for persons who need assistance
Zipper with loop on the inseam of the trousers facilitates draining the urine bag – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
A dressing technique for wheelchair users who have impaired hand function and impaired balance
A technique for wheelchair users with impaired hand function and balance
Appropriate clothing for people with disabilities
Long shoe horn with anti-slip strips helps people with disabilities
Shoes that are easy to put on and take off – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Modified trousers that keep the stomach warm – appropriate for wheelchair users
Customized trousers – suitable for wheelchair users with impaired hand function
Velcro closure for trousers with hook and loop works for persons with impaired hand function
Persons with impaired dexterity can use a zipper if they attach a key ring to it.
Shoes with Velcro closure suitable for persons with impaired hand function
A method to button trouser button for persons with impaired hand function
Method for wheelchair user with compromised arm/hand function to pull up trousers
Socks suitable for persons who easily get swollen legs
Protects shirts and sweaters when manually driving the wheelchair
Rain cape appropriate for wheelchair users
Chaps are easy to put on and take off while sitting in a wheelchair.
A rain poncho for bicyclists works as rain gear for wheelchair users.
A wooden board on the long side of the bed serves as a fixed point and provides support for dressing while sitting in bed
If you use an elastic band as your shoelace you do not have to tie shoes
Closet without plinth and with lowered closet pole, suitable for wheelchair users
Custom tailored skirt for Susanne, who uses a wheelchair.
Chaps-style trousers that can be put on without having to move from the wheelchair
Customized jeans make it possible for persons with impaired hand function to independently drain urine bag
High quadriplegics can use this dressing hook with customized jeans to drain the urine bag without assistance
Wheelchair users can change from shorts to trousers without moving from the chair.