– suitable for parents with disabilities
– suitable for parents with disabilities
Scissors tongs can be used to withdraw credit cards from pay stations.
Walker with saddle seat makes it possible to take breaks during gait training – technique for people with poor balance and impaired gait
– lift that allows a person with extensive disabilities to get into a car with open roof
The urination hook is an assistive device for persons with compromised arm/hand function who use a urine bottle or drain their bladder intermittently
– am assistive device for people with impaired hand function
Modifications that facilitate use of urine bottle
Using a key ring attached to the zipper – technique for people with extensive disabilities
Operating a computer using the wheelchair joystick – an option for people who drive a Permobil
Technology to take off an outer jacket – suitable for a person with severe disabilities
A small modified bag sits on the wheelchair and provides access to important medicines and valuables
Water bottle attached to wheelchair
Custom-made mittens make it possible for a person with extensive disabilities to dress and undress independently
A method for people with high tetraplegia to independently empty their urine bag
Writing sleeves facilitate computer use for people with reduced finger function and spasticity
– an aid when dressing that promote privacy
– technique to adjust sitting position; a method for people with impaired arm function and good trunk balance
A user with extensive disabilities can use a “bite tug” to help pull up a zipper on a jacket
– a technique for people with extensive disabilities
Self-adhesive 3M Bumpons on the transmitter facilitates control for people with impaired hand function
– enables people with extensive disabilities to pick objects up from the floor
A blanket sitting on the user’s lap is held in place by a mitten holder
Simple modification of insulin syringe enables a person with extensive disabilities to give himself his shot
The modification enables people with high tetraplegia to take off an outdoor jacket by themselves
External click button makes it easier for people with severe disabilities to operate a computer
– allows transfer to and from a boat with a municipal lift device
– provides comfortable seating for people who use electric wheelchair
A van that can be fully controlled with a joystick – suitable for people with severe disabilities
Wheelchair tennis – a sport that can work for people with disabilities
Special wheelchair with anti-tip device and positioning belt. The wheelchair is used to play tennis
Taping makes it possible for a tennis player with impaired hand function to firmly grip the racket
Convenient balcony garden adapted to wheelchair users
Nail clipper with container – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Easy-to-use salt or pepper mill suitable for persons with compromised dexterity
Easy-to-use scissors suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Heavy pestle makes it easy to crush herbs and spices – suitable for persons with weak hand function
Cork med snap lock suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Functional kitchen for wheelchair users
Transfer to bathtub using an ordinary chair
Garden tools with short handle
Mobile drawers on track
A knife block in which knives are placed horizontally is suitable for persons with impaired grip.