Accessible patio

Raising the entire patio to the same level as the house avoids ramps directly in front of the entry door

Wooden deck at the same level as house entrance

Accessible patio showing house entrance

The townhouse entry is through an enclosed patio. The patio is bordered by the house, a storage room and one wall. Originally a stairway led to both the entrance and the storage room. The entire patio was raised to the same level as the house and storage room. A wooden ramp was built to get from the gate to the patio.

Users comments
The patio works well and is frequently used. The ramp may become somewhat slippery in winter.

Made by
Dean Smith, Erika’s partner

Purchased from
Building supply center

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
Erika Nilsson, Dean Smith

Wooden deck at the same level as storage room

Accessible patio showing the storage room

Author: Erika

Erika är småbarnsmamma. Hon bor ihop med sambo och 2 barn i villa. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1994 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Hon använder sig ibland av ledsagarservice när hon går ut med barnen.

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