Adaptation of trousers

A simple way to adapt trousers so they sit well both when standing and sitting
User with modified trousers
User with modified trousers

The user buys ordinary trousers that are too long in the legs. She adapts them as follows:

– slit open the waistband at the back.
– cut off the extra length of the trouser legs and sew them to the waistband.
– cut the fabric so that the piece of fabric is narrow at the sides and wide at the middle, depending on how high you want the trousers.
– sew into place.
– insert an elastic band into the waistband.

Users comments
The user occasionally uses a wheelchair. Standard trousers feel like they are cut too low when she sits. Trousers designed for individuals with disabilities are extremely expensive.
The trousers work both when sitting and standing.

Made by
The user

Purchased from
Clothing shop

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user’s

Editors comments
Please see (in Swedish) to find more patterns for clothing for persons with disabilities, last checked December 2020.

Waistband is slit open
Waistband is slit open
Extra piece of fabric from the legs is sewn to the waistband
Extra piece of fabric from the legs is sewn to the waistband
Extra piece of fabric inserted in the back of the trousers
Extra piece of fabric inserted in the back of the trousers
Elastic band in the waistband in the back of the trousers
Elastic band in the waistband in the back of the trousers

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Author: Caroline

Caroline bor i en lägenhet och arbetar. Hon har en medfödd bindvävssjukdom (Ehlers-Danlos syndrom) som ger henne varierande problem och smärtor i alla lederna. Sedan 2000 använder hon rullstol utomhus. Hon har 27 timmar hemhjälp i månaden.

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