The user presses on the camera’s shutter button with the help of the loop
Compact camera with fold-out LCD screen. The camera is adapted with a metal loop attached next to the shutter button. The metal loop is bent so that it is over the camera and ends in a small handle. Pressing on the handle presses the loop against the shutter button.
The user drives an electric wheelchair that can be adjusted for both height and seat angle. The camera is placed on a wheelchair table. The user drives the wheelchair to the right position to view the subject of the photo.
Users comments
The user can handle the camera with her left hand while driving and positioning the wheelchair with her right hand. The user has no arm function and only has weak finger mobility. She operates the shutter button with one finger. The solution would also be appropriate for other people with impaired fine motor function.
Made by
Technician at an auto repair shop
Paid for by
The user
Whose idea
The user
Editors comments
See also rollingfstop.blogspot.com (last checked June 2020)

User with her camera on her wheelchair able