Adapted pen to be able to write with mouth

The mouthpiece on the pen makes it easier to write with the mouth - suitable for persons with extensive disabilities

The user has a pen in her mouth and writes on a piece of paper that someone is holding towards her.

User writes with mouth pen

The pen is fitted with a mouthpiece made of a Plexiglas tube. The tube is placed on the pen and flattened to where it extends beyond the pen.

Users comments
User only uses mouth pen to sign her name. This adaptation provides her with a good grip in her mouth.

Made by
User’s occupational therapist

Paid for by
County Council

On the back of a pen is a plexiglass extension that the user can put in her mouth and bite on.

Adapted mouth pen

Author: Nina

Nina bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1996 och har en hög tetraplegi (C4) och är i behov av ventilator. Hon har dubbel assistans dygnet runt.

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