Adapted sailboat

Adapted sailboat that a person who uses a wheelchair and has impaired hand function can steer

Sailboat at dock

Sailboat at dock

Individually adapted sailboat. The boat is relatively small, with room for only three people. The user can control the boat completely independently. The boat has a small diesel motor with very low fuel consumption (2-cylinder Mitsubishi). A diesel heater heats up the cabin and the cockpit (when covered). The cockpit can be covered with a spray dodger. The anchor and sails operate with an electric winch. The boat can be sailed on autopilot. Power is supplied by solar cells sitting on large hatches, see photo below. The hatches are large enough to fit a wheelchair wheel through them. The large hatches also mean that the cabin is light. A link system attaches the sheets to the roof of the cabin up to the mast and back to the cockpit on the starboard (right) side. This sheet can be handled either with a manual or electric winch. The cabin is equipped with a galley including refrigerator, as well as a combined shower and toilet. Stove, oven and water heater run on liquefied petroleum gas. There is a 100 liter fresh water tank and the option to choose between salt and fresh water, see faucet in photo below.

Users comments
The user can spend several days on the boat without going ashore. His body becomes stiff after a week on the boat without using the wheelchair

Made by
Renovation by Peter Riddebäck, 1995

Paid for by
The user

Solar cells on sailboat

Solar cells on sailboat

LPB cylinders stored in cockpit

LPB cylinders stored in cockpit

Faucet to choose between fresh and salt water

Faucet to choose between fresh and salt water

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Author: Claes

Claes bor ihop med fru och son i en lägenhet. Han arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1984 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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