Bicycle holder for manual wheelchair

A bicycle holder mounted on a tow hook can be used for a manual wheelchair

Bicycle holder mounted on car with manual wheelchair

Bicycle holder mounted on car with manual wheelchair

Bicycle holder mounted on car with manual wheelchair

The bicycle holder is attached to the hook on the car. Folded manual wheelchair on holder.

Users comments
A good way to transport manual wheelchairs.

Purchased from
for example Biltema, (in Sweden), last checked March 2020.

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Bicycle holder mounted on car without wheelchair

Bicycle holder mounted on car without wheelchair

Bicycle holder mounted on car without wheelchair

Author: Conny

Conny bor ihop med sina döttrar i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1994 skadade han sig och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4). Han har personlig assistans dygnet rund, därav 3,5 timmar dubbel bemanning.

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