Control for TV, stereo, etc

Remote controls with foam rubber and writing stick make it possible for persons with impaired hand function to use TV, stereo, etc

User next to table with control units for TV, etc placed on a piece of foam rubber

User next to table with control units for TV, etc

The remote control units are placed on a piece of foam rubber on a small table. The foam rubber prevents the remote control units from slipping away. The user presses the buttons with his writing stick.

Users comments
The user steers his electric wheelchair with Drivelink, a steering system from Permobil that can be used both to control the wheelchair and as an environmental control system. He is not satisfied with the environmental control system in the drive link. He feels that there are many functions he does not need and that the functions he wants to have do not work.
He therefore uses other remote control units to control his environment.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

User presses on a button of a control unit with writing stick

User presses on a button of a control unit with writing stick

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Author: Anders

Anders bor ihop med sambo i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 1989 och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4-5). Han har personliga assistenter.

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