Coughing aid

Assistive device provides support for coughing; suitable for persons who are unable to cough by themselves

User with assistive device for coughing by driving up to the device so that the ball presses against his stomach.

User with assistive device for coughing.

A long rod is screwed to a hinged attachment. The attachment has resistance so that it stops in the position in which it is placed. A padded ball sits on the rod. The user can fold the rod forward so that the ball is at stomach level. When he needs to cough he drives back and forth against it with the wheelchair and in this way gets support for coughing.

Users comments
It is crucial for the user to be able to be alone in the home even when he has a cold. This assistive device makes this possible.

How to make
The manufacturer used a tube, a piece of round molding and the hinge-like holder. This holder is taken from an armrest for an adapted toilet chair.

Made by
Assistive device technician Erling Mikaelsson.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Padded ball presses on user’s stomach

Padded ball presses on user’s stomach

Hinged attachment of the rod

Rod attachment

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Author: Ragge

Ragge bor ihop med hustru i en villa. Han sysselsätter sig med att utveckla idéer som underlättar vardagen för honom och andra, inget betalt arbete. Han skadade sig 1973 och har en hög tetraplegi. Han har delvis armfunktion i båda armar men använder i stort sätt enbart höger armen som han kan styra bättre. Med vänster armen håller han i sig för att hålla balansen. Han har hemtjänst 27 timmar i veckan. Avliden 2016.

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