Cushion in lumbar region reduces neurogenic pain

A cushion that could help prevent neurogenic pain and spasticity in people with spinal cord injuries

User lying on his back with lumbar cushion

User lying on his back with lumbar cushion

A half-round ankle cushion is used as lumbar cushion when the user lies on his back in bed.

Users comments
Lumbar cushion significantly reduces both neurogenic pain (burning in crotch) and spasticity.
The user came up with the idea when he placed his hand under his lower back and noticed that this had an effect on the pain and spasticity.

Purchased from
In Sweden: Medema, (last checked Februari 2022)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

User sits in bed, lumbar cushion behind him

User puts lumbar cushion in place

Lumbar cushion (close-up)

Lumbar cushion

Lumbar cushion (close-up)

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Author: Ola

Ola bor ensam i villa. Han skadade sig 2002 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen hjälp eller assistans, enbart trygghetslarm.

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