Custom designed lift for car

- lift that allows a person with extensive disabilities to get into a car with open roof
Amphibious vehicle with lift (the people in the picture are relatives of the user)
Amphibious vehicle with lift (the people in the picture are relatives of the user)

The user, who loves cars, has an amphibious vehicle with an open roof. A custom-made lift is attached to the car. This lift enables him to transfer into the car.

Users comments
The user and his friend can also help other users who need help converting an idea into reality. Contact him through

Made by
Olle Högberg, a good friend of the user (blacksmith and artist)

Whose idea
The user together with a good friend

Author: Robert 2

Robert har en hög inkomplett tetraplegi sedan 2011. Han bor med sin familj i ett gammalt hus. Han har personlig assistans.

Latest tips

More tips in Transfers into and out of cars | Transfers with lifting devices