Custom-made finger sleeves

Writing sleeves facilitate computer use for people with reduced finger function and spasticity
User types on keyboard using finger sleeve
User types on keyboard using finger sleeve

A finger sleeve in orthotic material prevents the user’s index finger from bending inwards because of spasticity. Finger sleeves are fitted with a handle that makes it easier to put them on and take them off. The user can also pull the sleeve onto his finger by pressing the grip against the edge of the table.

Made by
User’s occupational therapist

Whose idea
The user

User with finger sleeve
User with finger sleeve
User puts on finger sleeve.
User puts on finger sleeve.
User puts on finger sleeve.
User puts on finger sleeve.

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Author: Kenneth

Kenneth bor i en lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2006 och har en hög inkomplett tetraplegi med uttalad spasticitet. Han har personlig assistans 130 timmar i veckan.

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