Custom-sewn camisole

- good fit for wheelchair users

Camisole on a hanger

Camisole. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

Camisole in various materials, flared and wide across the stomach.

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Users comments
Purchased camisoles are often too tight across the stomach. The user wanted to customize her clothes to fit her figure. She designed this pattern for her camisoles and she is very happy with it.
She has camisoles in many different fabrics for different occasions.

Made by
User’s assistant, tailor

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user


Camisole. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

Camisole with zipper in front

Camisole with zipper in front

Dressy camisole

Dressy camisole

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Author: Anonym 19

Personen bor ihop med maken i en villa på landet. Hon är pensionär. Sedan 1998 har hon en C-6 ryggmärgskada. Hon har personlig assistans 13 timmar dagligen.

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