Custom-sewn transfer mat

Discreet practical transfer mat that stays attached while transferring – suitable for wheelchair users

Transfer mat attached to the wheelchair wheel

Transfer mat attached to the wheelchair wheel

The transfer mat is sewn from a synthetic rubber neoprene (used for wetsuits). It is designed to fit exactly on the wheel and brake lever. Velcro holds the mat in place. To attach it, first place it on the inside of the wheel (see photo below). A large piece of soft Velcro is on the inside of the wheel, then the small cone fits over the brake lever and the entire mat is attached with Velcro, which easily meets the soft part of the Velcro closure.

Users comments
Transfer mat sits in place during transfers; it is small and easy to bring along. It prevents chafing and is particularly useful during transfers when the user is wearing only underwear. Transfer mats available in stores are larger. They are difficult to put in place and they don’t always stay where they belong during a transfer.

Made by
The user’s partner and mother

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea

The user places half the width of the transfer mat on the inside of the wheel. Velcro that will hold the transfer mat together is visible between the spokes.

User attaches transfer mat to the wheel

Transfer mat attached to the wheel and brake lever

Transfer mat attached to the wheel and brake lever

Author: Mikael

Mikael bor med sin sambo i en lägenhet. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 2008 och har en tetraplegi (C5-6). Han har ca 30 timmar personlig assistans i veckan.

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