Easy-to-use tent

Easy-to-use tent that takes only seconds to set up – suitable for people with disabilities
Outwell tent. Photo: www.campingsverige.se
Outwell tent. Photo: www.campingsverige.se

Tunnel tent with well-ventilated inner tent that can be packed in a carrying case. The tent is lightweight, very easy to set up and easy to transport.

Model: Easy Camp Monza

See also campingsverige.se/outwell (in Swedish), last checked Maj 2021)

Users comments
The user is an experienced camper. He is extremely satisfied with the tent. However, the tent has one drawback. Some strength is required to collapse it.
The user transports the tent on a trailer.

Made by
Camping Sverige, campingsverige.se (in Swedish), last checked Maj 2021

The tent is easy to set up. Photo: www.campingsverige.se
The tent is easy to set up. Photo: www.campingsverige.se
Tent in bag on the trailer. Photo: Anders Andrae
Tent in bag on the trailer. Photo: Anders Andrae

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Author: Anders 1

Anders bor i lägenhet tillsammans med sin fru. Sedan födseln har han en låg paraplegi och förflyttar sig med rullstol. Han är mycket intresserade i uteliv och camping och organiserar turer i skogen för andra personer med funktionshinder, se även Will ut, willut.se.

Type of disability

Low paraplegia (Th11-S1)

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