Extra sip/puff control for computer

Double sip/puff controls help a person without arm or hand function to play computer games

The user with 2 plastic tubes in the mouth held by a headset on the ear.

User with 2 sip/puff controls on headset

In addition to the head mouse (see associated tip) the user controls the computer with an extra sip/puff control. Both sip/puff controls sit on the same headset. Using the joybox (see associated tip) and its software he can choose the two functions he wants to operate with the sip/puff control. The device can be set up to control an individual key or a string of keys.

Users comments
His brother helped him mount the extra sip/puff control on the headset of the other sip/puff control. At first he had one control on each side, but he found that it was better to have them on the same side.

Made by
The user’s brother

Purchased from
Origin Instruments, orin.com/ (last checked March 2020)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Two relay boxes for sip/puff controls.

Two relay boxes for sip/puff controls

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Author: Kalle

Kalle bor i en lägenhet och studerar på deltid. Han skadade sig 2001 och har en hög tetraplegi (C4). Han har personlig assistans dygnet rund, därav 4 timmar dubbelbemanning.

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