Holder for electric toothbrush

Electric toothbrush in holder enables a person with impaired hand function to brush teeth without assistance

User with toothbrush in holder

User with toothbrush in holder

The electric toothbrush sits in a holder consisting of a plastic tube on a flexible arm. To brush teeth the user adjusts the wheelchair height so that his mouth is at the right height in relation to the toothbrush. Now it is easy for him to brush his teeth since the toothbrush moves easily in the loose holder. An assistant places toothpaste on the toothbrush.

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Whose idea

Toothbrush in holder

Toothbrush in holder

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Author: Anders

Anders bor ihop med sambo i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 1989 och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4-5). Han har personliga assistenter.

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