Modified trousers

Customized trousers – suitable for wheelchair users with impaired hand function

With the index finger on the zipper key ring, the user closes the zipper.

User pulls up zipper

The trousers sit high up in the back and stomach, so they cannot slide down during transfers. The seat is made of beaver nylon (Photo at the bottom) to make it easier to slide during transfers.
The extra long zipper extends far down in the crotch. It is modified with a key ring. The trousers have a Velcro closure instead of a button, see associated tip. The trouser legs can be opened on the inside with a zipper to facilitate dressing (Photo bekow).

Users comments
The user began by buying trousers from a company that made clothing for people with disabilities. Then he improved on the idea with his partner.
The zipper that goes deep down in the crotch allows the user to drain urine without pulling down his trousers.

Made by
User’s partner

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Zipper on inside of trouser leg

Zipper on inside of trouser leg

Trousers from the front with long zipper

Trousers from the front with long zipper

Rear view of trousers with beaver nylon back piece sewn on.

Trousers from the rear with seat made of beaver nylon

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Author: Mats

Mats bor tillsammans med sin sambo i en lägenhet. Han är pensionär. 1988 skadade han sig och har en tetraplegi (C6-7). Genom handkirurgi har han fått bättre grepp i båda händer. Mats har personlig assistans ca 10 timmar om dagen. Avliden.

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