Pliers to reach things in high deep cabinets

Wheelchair users can reach things that are farther away with pliers.
User gets a cup from the upper cabinet using pliers
User gets a cup from the upper cabinet using pliers

The pliers are used to remove objects from high and deep kitchen cabinets. Pliers hang on a hook in the kitchen.

Model: Pliers “Nåfram aktiv” from Swereco

Users comments
The user likes the pliers and frequently uses them in the kitchen to increase the distance that she can reach.

Purchased from
In Sweden for example Swereco, (last checked November 2021)

User gets a dish from the upper cabinet using pliers
User gets a dish from the upper cabinet using pliers
Pliers hanging on a hook in the kitchen
Pliers hanging on a hook in the kitchen
Pliers Nåfram aktiv
Pliers Nåfram aktiv

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Author: Lotta

Lotta bor i en tvåplansvilla på landet ihop med maken, dottern, tre hundar och en katt. Hon arbetar ideellt för Rekryteringsgruppens friluftsgrupp. Hon skadade sig 1983 och har en hög paraplegi (TH 3). Hon har ingen assistans.

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