Ramp to garden

Ramp across ditch on a wheelchair-accessible lot
The user drives on a wooden ramp over a ditch
The user drives on a wooden ramp over a ditch

There is a ditch along the driveway of this home in the country. One of the ramps over the ditch is made of impregnated wooden planks.

Made by
User’s husband

Paid for by
The user

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Wheelchair accessible country home
Wheelchair accessible country home
Country home with accessible garden.

Author: Lotta

Lotta bor i en tvåplansvilla på landet ihop med maken, dottern, tre hundar och en katt. Hon arbetar ideellt för Rekryteringsgruppens friluftsgrupp. Hon skadade sig 1983 och har en hög paraplegi (TH 3). Hon har ingen assistans.

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