Scooter for travel

Small, convenient electric scooter that can easily be disassembled - suitable for travel
User drives his scooter outdoors
User drives his scooter outdoors

A small, light, convenient and quiet scooter, which can easily be disassembled into manageable parts to fit in the car and on flights. The length and seat height are adjustable. The scooter is not as strong as a large outdoor scooter, see related tip, but it can handle low thresholds.

Model: Shoprider Laber

Users comments
The user frequently travels and is very satisfied with the Shoprider. He uses it a lot, even when he is indoors at home. It is very durable and reliable; in the four years he has had it has never broken down. He only had to change the batteries once.
A small drawback is that the seat is small and hard, and even in the highest position it is too low for users who are tall. He compensates with a cushion. Good trunk balance is necessary.
The user recommends marking the parts with ‘fragile’ labels for air travel.

Check eBay, sometimes a used scooter is for sale there.

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The user

Editors comments
Shoprider Laber is not avaolable anymore. Shoprider, has other small models of scooters. Other similar products are for example Invacare Scorpius, (last cecked December 2020).

User drives over a threshold with his scooter
User drives over a threshold with his scooter
User with his scooter indoors
User with his scooter indoors
Scooter, disassembled
Scooter, disassembled
Scooter with handlebar folded
Scooter with handlebar folded

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Author: Anders 3

Anders arbetar deltid. Han bor tillsammans med sin hustru i en lägenhet. Han skadade sig 1971 och har en inkomplett nackskada. Inomhus går han med käpp, utomhus använder han el-moped. Ingen assistans.

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