Stable shower stool with detachable adjustable-height legs that adapt to uneven surfaces. A small cushion with dense air cells is used on the stool to reduce pressure.
Model: Etac Swift (shower stool)
Roho Adaptor (pressure-relieving cushion)
Users comments
Roho Adaptor is also used in sauna, see related tip.
Purchased from
Shower stool: Etac, https://www.etac.com/
Cushion: https://www.permobil.com/en-us (last checked July 2024)
Paid for by
County Council
Related tips

- with maneuvering space and custom ventilation hatch - suitable for wheelchair users. 2011

Curtain in front of the window at the shower protects the window from moisture - an option to have an open shower area next to a window. 2011