Sink with hand shower

Adjustable angle sink in bathroom with hand shower, suitable for persons with impaired balance and hand function.

Washbasin with spacer unit

Washbasin with spacer unit

A sturdy washbasin with spacer unit that holds it 20 cm from the wall. The washbasin can be tipped up to create room. Edges with good support for arms and hands. Washbasin is mounted on rocking brackets

Model: Ifö Care

Users comments
Convenient hand shower; easy to wash hair in sink, too. The hand shower also reaches the toilet chair.

Made by
Ifö, (in Sweden), last checked June 2020.

Paid for by
Local government

User pulls out hand shower

User pulls out hand shower

User pulls out hand shower

Author: Monica

Monica bor i lägenhet och arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1990 och har en hög tetraplegi (C5). Hon har personlig assistans 13 timmar dagligen samt nattpatrull.

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