Sliding board

Facilitates transfers to and from the wheelchair

Sliding board in black plastic on car seat

Sliding board in black plastic on car seat

Model: EasyGlide

Users comments
This sliding board is just the right length and narrow; can easily be placed under the body. Used mainly for transfers to and from the car.

Made by checked juni 2024)

Paid for by
County Council

Sliding board (close-up)

Sliding board

Author: Bruno

Bruno bor i lägenhet och arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1974 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Opererades 1977 för att få armsträckare och tumgrepp. Han har personlig assistans 7 timmar dagligen plus nattpatrull.

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More tips in Transfers into and out of cars | Wheelchair transfer