Tiled patios

Paving or tiles increases accessibility for persons who have compromised arm strength and use a manual wheelchair

User drives up the ramp to a paved patio

User drives up the ramp to the patio

Patio can be reached on asphalt-paved or tiled paths.

Users comments
The user looked for all the sunny places in the garden. She now has four patios. It is important that the garden paths are not too steep.

Made by
User’s husband

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

User on a paved patio

User on one of her patios

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Author: Suzanne

Suzanne bor ihop med man och barn i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 1991 skadade hon sig och har en komplett tetraplegi C6. Hon har personlig assistans.

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