Toilet chair that is 7 cm shorter

Solution for modified bathroom with crowded space.

Toilet chair 7 cm shorter, front edge at the same level as the door frame.

Toilet chair that is 7 cm shorter

A somewhat shorter toilet chair (7 cm shorter) was installed to avoid blocking the bathroom door. Shorter toilet chairs are available in the market.

Purchased from
Plumbing store

Paid for by
Local government

Author: Anonym 1

Personen bor ihop med fru och barn i villa. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 1975 och har en hög tetraplegi (C5). Genom hand-kirurgi fick han bättre greppfunktion i båda händer. Han har personlig assistans 7 timmar om dagen. (Avliden 2024)

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