User transfers from bed to wheelchair
The user sits up in bed and moves to the edge of the bed by leaning forward and supporting himself on his extended arms. To move his legs down over the edge of the bed he supports himself with his outer arm on the wheelchair driving handle and grabs first one leg and then the other under the knee. He moves a little closer to the edge of the bed and lifts the outer foot onto the foot bar by supporting himself with one hand on the wheelchair driving handle and then lifts up his leg by grasping under his knee with the other hand.
He lifts himself over to the wheelchair bent forward with extended arms, with one hand in the middle of the wheelchair seat cushion and the other on the bed. Then he supports himself with both hands on the wheelchair grip rings and positions himself in the chair while still leaning forward. To sit up, he places one hand on the bed, supports himself with his elbow against his thigh and places his hand under the knee of the opposite leg to push himself up.
To place his foot up on the foot bar he hooks one arm into the driving handle to keep his balance and uses the other hand to lift up his leg by grasping it under the knee.

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Related tips

Transfer technique for persons with high tetraplegia. 2008