Turning e-motion wheel motor on and off

The user has learned how to directly push the on/off button for the e-motion wheel motor in order to avoid bringing the remote control
User presses "off" button on wheel
User presses “off” button on wheel

The on/off button is located in the middle of the wheel. The user hooks the thumb around the hub of the wheel and presses the button with the index finger knuckle. To keep her balance she places her other arm around the backrest.

Users comments
A remote control is available for e-motion wheels. But this user does not want to bring it along all the time, so she learned how to use the button on the wheel.

Purchased from
Invacare, invacare.com (last checked August 2020)

User presses "off" button on wheel
User presses “off” button on wheel
User with remote control
User with remote control

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Author: Yasmin

Yasmin bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. 1999 skadade hon sig och har en C-5 skada. Hon har fått opererat armsträckare i båda armarna, knipfunktion i vänster tumme samt pronation i båda underarmarna. Tipsen innan 2008 har hon inte gjort någon handkirurgi. Hon har 24 timmar personlig assistans, varav 7 timmar jour.

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