Custom-designed microlax doser

A simple custom modification to hold, insert, and empty the microlax tube - suitable for persons with impaired hand function

The user holds the microlax doser with microlax, handle between index and middle finger.

The user holds the microlax doser with microlax

A metal loop from a simple tube key is equipped with a handle shaped to fit the user’s hand. The microlax tube is placed in the loop.

Technique: Move to the toilet chair, place the wheelchair in front of the toilet, place one leg bent across on the wheelchair. Place the microlax tube in the holder, insert it into the anal opening and twist the hand/handle to squeeze out the contents of the tube.

Users comments
The user has tested the Microlax doser. Emptying the tube is not 100% successful. The tube is rather stiff and when you twist it the tip is pressed against the intestine. Today she uses Peristeen, which works well for her.

How to make
The tube key is bent into the shape of a loop that fits the microlax tube. The tube key handle is made of Fimo modeling clay.

Made by
Madeleine Stenius, Assistant nurse

Purchased from
Panduro Hobby (Fimo), Housewares store (tube key)

Whose idea
Madeleine Stenius, Assistant nurse, Rehab Station Stockholm

Editors comments
Swereco in Sweden, (last checked January 2022) sells a tube key with large wooden handle.

The user holds the microlax doser with microlax

The user holds the microlax doser with microlax

Microlax doser with microlax

Microlax doser with microlax

Author: Karolina

Karolina bor tillsammans med sin familj i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 2006 skadade hon sig och har en tetraplegi (C7). Hon har 12 timmar personlig assistans per dag.

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