
Mobile toilet

Mobile toilet

A folding lift attached to the wheelchair makes bathroom visits possible anywhere – suitable for women with extensive disabilities

Scooter for travel

Scooter for travel

Small, convenient electric scooter that can easily be disassembled – suitable for travel

Self-inflating shower cushion

Self-inflating shower cushion

A self-inflating seat pad works well as shower cushion – suitable for wheelchair users who have impaired sensation

Travel kitchen

Travel kitchen

Kitchen travel kit that makes it easy for a person who uses a wheelchair to prepare food, even if the environment is not adapted

Accessible RV with ceiling lift

Accessible RV with ceiling lift

Specially furnished RV allows a woman with disabilities to travel on vacation with her family (husband and two children) and her personal assistant

Ramp to adapted RV

Ramp to adapted RV

Custom-designed stable ramp for adapted RV – an option for people who drive wheelchairs

Ceiling lift in RV

Ceiling lift in RV

Ceiling lift with bent U track make transfers possible in RV – suitable for people with extensive disabilities

Shower in RV

Shower in RV

Custom shower stall with ceiling lift and shower chair – suitable for a person with extensive disabilities

Wheelchair E-fix

Wheelchair E-fix

An electric wheelchair that can easily be converted to a manual wheelchair – appropriate for travel

Hockey pucks

Hockey pucks

Hockey pucks can be used as blocks to raise hotel beds – suitable for persons with disabilities

Suitcase holder

Suitcase holder

Hinged suitcase holder – simple way for wheelchair user to transport suitcases

Portable ramp

Portable ramp

A portable ramp in the car helps deal with the occasional step with the wheelchair.

Trailer for luggage

Trailer for luggage

Conny uses a trailer for his power wheelchair and assistive devices when traveling in his jeep