Pivoting toilet in RV

– makes bathroom visits easier for people who need assistance

Upper part of toilet seat is pivoted 45 degrees.

Toilet chair, pivoted 45 degrees

The pivoting toilet is standard in the RV. It can be turned 180 degrees, which provides more room for Helena and her assistant.

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Polarvagn, https://polarvagnen.se/(last checked July 2024)

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Toilet chair in normal position.

Toilet chair in normal position.

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Author: Helena

Helena bor tillsammans med sin make och två tonårsbarn i en villa. Hon arbetar 75%. Sedan födsel har hon en sjukdom (spinal muskelatrofi) motsvarande en hög ryggmärgsskada. Hon har personlig assistans dygnet runt.

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More tips in Camping/motor home | Self care on trips | Self care with assistance | Toileting