Accessible RV with ceiling lift

Specially furnished RV allows a woman with disabilities to travel on vacation with her family (husband and two children) and her personal assistant

RV with wooden ramp

RV with ramp

RV with ramp

The RV has an extra wide door (70cm). It is equipped with a double bed, an accessible shower stall, and a ceiling lift between bed, shower and toilet. The RV also has a kitchen and dining area, see associated tip. The dining area converts to a large bed for the children. The assistant gets an extra mattress.
The RV has a 45-liter water tank and a water heater. The water and the RV are heated with electricity or with liquefied petroleum gas. There is also a gasoline-powered spare generator.

The RV also has 2 TV sets that run on electricity and 12-volt battery.

Model: Polar 590-2,5CTH

Users comments
Helena and her husband began to look for a used RV, but couldn’t find one that met their needs. Then they checked the different brands and chose Polarvagn, since it is made in Sweden and it was easy to talk to the factory.
Polarvagn makes individual modifications for wheelchair users, but that solution was too expensive for Helena and her family. Instead they ordered a standard configuration RV with a 70 cm wide door and Helena’s husband made all of the other custom modifications:
– removal of existing shower walls and cabinets next to toilet to make room in the shower
– shower curtains sewn
– plastic floor covering welded to floor by shower
– ceiling lift installed
– roof reinforced with aluminum beams on top of RV for ceiling lift
– wooden ramp
– cabinet by entrance redesigned to allow for a larger turning radius

The goal was to make everything as convenient as possible. For detailed information, contact the user through es.silanipsobfsctd@spitsilanips

Made by
Polarvagn in Sweden, (last checked March 2020) and user’s husband

Paid for by
User and her husband

Whose idea
The user and her husband’s.

RV from he inside. Next to a double bed is a toilet. Above the toilet is a free-standing combined shower and toilet seat. There is a ceiling lift between the bed and the toilet.

Double bed, toalett with showerchair and ceiling lift.

Caravan from inside. Corner sofa and table.

Dining area

Caravan interior, built-in kitchen.


Caravan interior, a narrow cupboard next to the entrance.

Modified cupboard by the entrance

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Author: Helena

Helena bor tillsammans med sin make och två tonårsbarn i en villa. Hon arbetar 75%. Sedan födsel har hon en sjukdom (spinal muskelatrofi) motsvarande en hög ryggmärgsskada. Hon har personlig assistans dygnet runt.

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