A gliding club where even people with disabilities can fly
A gliding club where even people with disabilities can fly
Modified propeller plane UL Kärra. Photo from www.uppsalasegelflyg.se The user has a small propeller plane, a UL Kärra that is modified with a manually controlled side rudder. More information is available through...
– makes gliding possible for people with disabilities
A voice controlled device used as an environmental control, to play music, to surf on the internet, and more
Practical furnished computer workstation for people with extensive disabilities
– facilitates using an iPad – suitable for people with impaired hand/arm function-
Writing sleeves facilitate computer use for people with reduced finger function and spasticity
External click button makes it easier for people with severe disabilities to operate a computer
Compact electronic pedal for digital pianos and keyboards, developed for people with physical disabilities such as paraplegia
– made it possible for a wheelchair user to return to work
A standing wheelchair makes it possible for the user to be independent in his workplace
– with standard details appropriate for wheelchair users
A gripping aid to improve grippfunction and to facilitate everyday activities for persons with impaired handfunction
Handheld computer with touchscreen – easy to use for people with disabilities
– suitable as an easel for people who draw/paint by mouth
Practical desk and workplace next to the kitchen – suitable for wheelchair users
Tools mounted at right height – organized and easily accessible for wheelchair users
– allows people with extensive disabilities to use a telephone independently
Individually adapted computer workstation – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
Ergonomic computer workstation – suitable for a person with a high spinal cord injury
Makes it easier to saw – suitable for persons with impaired strength and balance
Aluminum suitcases for storage of fragile items such as music and computer accessories – can also be used as support or tray on lap for wheelchair users
Tray with soft knee cushion as book support – suitable for persons who cannot hold a book
Small lightweight manuscript holder that works well for one paper
Book holder – important assistive device for persons who cannot hold books
Adapted to be able to turn pages with a mouth stick – suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
Turn pages with the mouth – an alternative for persons without arm/hand function
Ergonomic computer workstation – suitable for persons with tetraplegia
Suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Pneumatic nailer instead of a hammer – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Holder for flatware and typing sticks sewn onto wrist bandage, suitable for persons without wrist function or finger dexterity
Paper and documents stored in drawers are convenient and easy to see – suitable for persons with limited reach
Workplace for a person with high spinal cord injury allows user to work from home
Opening the door is easy with a key card and card reader – suitable for wheelchair users
Storage in drawers provides easy access to paper and documents – suitable for persons with limited reach
MouseTrapper facilitates computer work – suitable for persons who have or are at risk of having shoulder problems
Work table suitable for wheelchair users
Workroom with computer workstation for a person who controls the computer with a head mouse
Custom-made laptop table for use in bed – highly appreciated assistive device for persons who control the computer with a head mouse
Simple and convenient workplace – suitable for wheelchair users
Refrigerator and freezer with large handles at the right height for wheelchair users
Garters prevent sheets from slipping off – appropriate for persons who use electric beds
The tall cabinets contain many shelves (the lower ones) that are accessible for wheelchair users
Simple modifications enable a person with impaired hand function to use a mouse with trackball
A small specially designed assistive device for persons without active hand function, which makes it possible to take a bottle out of the cooler and to transport it
A key ring taped to a book makes it possible for a person with impaired hand function to handle the book
Desk with double work surface and accessible control panel for electric outlets
Convenient computer desk suitable for persons who use a manual wheelchair
This customized desk is the product of a workplace accessibility project
The reflector that controls the head mouse is glued to a small clothes pin
A computer workstation for persons who use their head to control the computer.
Writing stick made of hobby clay, appropriate for persons with impaired dexterity.
The user switched to a smaller keyboard and had less elbow pain.
An efficient workplace in bed for persons with impaired finger and hand function.
Adapted scissors for persons with impaired hand function
The handle is the deciding factor for choice of microwave oven for persons with impaired grip.
Custom-built desk for persons with limited reach.
Durable typing sticks; assistive device for persons who lack finger function
Persons with impaired dexterity can use a zipper if they attach a key ring to it.
A piece of string is a simple assistive device for persons with physical disabilities and impaired hand function to pick binders up from the floor
A modification that enables persons with physical disabilities and impaired hand function to handle magazine holders.
Assistive device for persons with impaired dexterity