Computer workstation with trackball mouse on holder attached to the table
‘OnScreenKeys’ is a downloadable on-screen keyboard, that works in many different languages. The mouse sits on a holder attached to the table, see associated tip, and is operated with the mouth and lips.
VoiceXpress is a dictation program that uses voice commands to control all of the most common computer applications. After training the computer understands what is said and translates the information into letters and numbers. The more the program is used, the greater the accuracy and users can achieve 96 percent voice recognition accuracy. The text can be read aloud. Headset with microphone included. Helena bought her own microphone instead. It sits attached to the same holder as the mouse.
Users comments
The idea and implementation for the computer workstation came from Helena and her husband. Helena is extremely satisfied. Since she can’t put on a headset by herself she is particularly satisfied with the fact that the microphone does not sit on a headset, but sits on the same holder as the mouse. Now she can begin to work without needing to ask for help.
Purchased from
Computer store, in Sweden: XnX Data AB, xnxdata.se/ (VoiceXpress); (last checked March 2020)
Paid for by
The user
Whose idea
Helena and her husband’s

Helena controls the computer with ‘OnScreensKeys’ and mouse

Microphone for VoiceXpress on same holder as mouse
Related tips

– allows people with extensive disabilities to use a telephone independently. 2009

By using the mounting arm the mouse comes into the right position for the user to control it by mouth – suitable for people with extensive disabilities. 2009

Trackball mouse controlled with mouth and lips – suitable for people with extensive disabilities. 2009