Piano assistive device

Compact electronic pedal for digital pianos and keyboards, developed for people with physical disabilities such as paraplegia
User at his custom piano
User at his custom piano

The device is used to control the piano pedal. The device consists of a brass rod that can be easily mounted on the piano with two attachments, an electronics box and two cables. The equipment is portable and can be used on all digital organs, pianos and keyboards. The brass rod is divided into three parts and screwed together before assembly. No alterations are made to the instrument. The pedal is activated by lightly touching the brass rod with a hand or finger. The regular pedal works independently of the device.

Users comments
The user, who has used a wheelchair since early childhood, is a pianist. During piano lessons, he and his teacher missed that he could not use the pedal. The user’s father solved the problem and developed the device, in part with a grant from Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology.

Whose idea

User at his custom piano with brass rod and electronics box
User at his custom piano with brass rod and electronics box
Piano with brass rod and electronics box
Piano with brass rod and electronics box
Attachment device for brass rod
Attachment device for brass rod

Author: Tom

Tom arbetar som kyrkomusiker och pianopedagog, är utbildad vid Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm. Han är ensamstående och bor i lägenhet. Han har en paraplegi och personlig assistans.

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