Computer workstation

A computer workstation for persons who use their head to control the computer.

User sitting in an electrical wheelchair with his arms on the armrest. He is looking at a computer.

User at computer workstation

Computer workstation with screen-based keyboard and head mouse. The transmitter is a small self-adhesive reflector which sits on the user and the receiver sits on top of the screen. The receiver reads the movements of the reflector and moves the mouse cursor in the same way. The mouse clicks with an automatic click. Next to the screen is a document holder that can also be used to make notes by holding a pen in the mouth.
Head mouse model: Head mouse Extreme from Rehab Center

Users comments
Conny is essentially satisfied with this form of control. He can move to the workstation unassisted and begin to write. He feels it is important to have an assistant who is good at computers.

Purchased from
Origin Instruments, (last checked March 2020).

Paid for by
County council (head mouse) and user

Editors comments
Head mouse Nano is a new version of Head mouse Extreme.

You can download other virtual keybords, for example ‘OnScreenKeys’, (last checked March 2020).

User sitting in an electrical wheelchair with his arms on the armrest. He is looking at a document holder.

Document holder

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Author: Conny

Conny bor ihop med sina döttrar i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1994 skadade han sig och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4). Han har personlig assistans dygnet rund, därav 3,5 timmar dubbel bemanning.

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