Adapted mouse

Simple modifications enable a person with impaired hand function to use a mouse with trackball

Adapted mouse

Adapted mouse

A two-button trackball mouse is adapted as follows:
– 2 key rings are glued on
– anti-slip material is glued to the bottom
– pieces of plastic are glued to the mouse buttons (photo at the bottom)

Users comments
The user can use the key rings to pick up the mouse and place it on his lap. The mouse is close to his body, which helps his shoulders when he works on the computer. The anti-slip material holds the mouse in place. Adapting the mouse buttons makes it possible for him to use the mouse. Enlarging small buttons means a lot to the user; they make it possible for him to use the buttons. He has this adaptation on many devices.

How to make
Adapted mouse button: take a piece (about 0.5 cm) of a catheter tube, glue it to the mouse buttons and fill the piece of tube with hot melt adhesive from the glue gun.

Whose idea
The user

Adapted mouse button

Adapted mouse button


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Author: Ragge

Ragge bor ihop med hustru i en villa. Han sysselsätter sig med att utveckla idéer som underlättar vardagen för honom och andra, inget betalt arbete. Han skadade sig 1973 och har en hög tetraplegi. Han har delvis armfunktion i båda armar men använder i stort sätt enbart höger armen som han kan styra bättre. Med vänster armen håller han i sig för att hålla balansen. Han har hemtjänst 27 timmar i veckan. Avliden 2016.

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