Laptop with head mouse on special table in bed
The laptop sits on a custom-made table attached to the bed frame with a stand. The table has small edges so the computer cannot slide down. The computer is controlled with a head mouse that has a custom-made holder and sits above the computer. Software applications are WiVik and Dragger.
WiVik is a screen-based keyboard, see 1q4all.com/wivik.php (last checked March 2020). Dragger is a program for automatic timed click with the right and left mouse button, see orin.com/ (last checked March 2020).
Users comments
The user feels that the computer table is one of the best assistive devices he has. Because of problems with pressure ulcers he does sometimes works from home. He works sitting or semi-reclining in bed. He has a wireless network. The work takes a little longer since the table is somewhat unstable. The slightest vibrations disturb the head mouse.
Made by
Sodexho Hjälpmedelservice (Assistive device services), Stockholm
Paid for by
County Council
Editors comments
You can download other virtual keybords, for example ‘OnScreenKeys’, see spinalistips.se/en/tip-on-screen-keyboard (last checked March 2020)

Laptop with head mouse on special table in bed

Special table with stand

Attachment of stand to bed frame