Gripping Aid

A gripping aid to improve grippfunction and to facilitate everyday activities for persons with impaired handfunction
The user hammering using the gripping aid. Photo:
The user hammering using the gripping aid. Photo:

The Gripping Aid works by the tightening of a strap in the upper section, which gently pulls the hand into a fist and adjustts to hold items in the palm. The Aid facilitates many activities, for example using tools, gardening and sporting.

The AH1 is available for right or left hand and comes in four sizes. The aid is padded to reduce chafing. It’s also available without padding to be worn over gloves for outdoor activities (AH2).

Model: General purpose Gripping Aid, AH1 (padded)
Outdoor Aid, AH2 (unpadded)

Users comments
The user was frustrated by the limitations caused by his poor hand function and the lack of suitable equipment available to help him, so he began designing a range of aids to enable him to live a more independent life. The results were remarkable. As a result his family began to make the aids available to others with poor hand function, and in 2008 Active Hands became a limited company.

Purchased from
Active Hands, Gripping Aids, (last checked November 2020)

Whose idea
The user

The user sawing using the gripping aid. Photo:
The user sawing using the gripping aid. Photo:
The user gardening using the gripping aid. Photo: Photo:
The user gardening using the gripping aid. Photo: Photo:
The user skiing using the gripping aid. Photo:
The user skiing using the gripping aid. Photo:
Gripping Aid (close upp). Photo:
Gripping Aid (close upp). Photo:

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Author: Rob

Rob driver ett litet företag som tillverkar grepphjälpmedel för personer med nedsatt handfunktion (see Han är även DJ, idrottsman och reser mycket. Han skadade sig 1996 och har en inkomplett C5/6 tetraplegi.

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