Exercise aids

Exercise Aids allowing indenpendent gymtraining för persone with impaired handfunction
The user training in the gym using exercise aids. Photo: www.activehands.co.uk
The user training in the gym using exercise aids. Photo: www.activehands.co.uk

The exercise aid is a strong loop fastened to an adjustable padded wrist strap. To hold an exercise machine the loop can be slipped over the handles of the machine.
To put on the aid slip it over your hand so that the
loop lies in the palm of your hand. When not under tension the aid easily slide on and off the machine, allowing complete individual independence and ability to ‘let go’ during rest periods.

Model: Looped Exercise Aids (AH3)

Purchased from
Active Hands, Gripping Aids, activehands.com/ (last checked November 2020)

Whose idea
The user

The user training in the gym using exercise aids. Photo: www.activehands.co.uk
The user training in the gym using exercise aids. Photo: www.activehands.co.uk
The user gripping using the exercise aid (close upp). Photo: www.activehands.co.uk
The user gripping using the exercise aid (close upp). Photo: www.activehands.co.uk
Exercise aid (close upp). Photo: www.activehands.co.uk
Exercise aid (close upp). Photo: www.activehands.co.uk

Author: Rob

Rob driver ett litet företag som tillverkar grepphjälpmedel för personer med nedsatt handfunktion (see activehands.co.uk). Han är även DJ, idrottsman och reser mycket. Han skadade sig 1996 och har en inkomplett C5/6 tetraplegi.

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