Pressure-relieving cushion for plane trips

– suitable for people with impaired sensation

Cushion with air cells

Cushion with air cells

A cushion with broad and thin air cells from Roho Harmony, used for plane trips, in the car, and at the movies. The cushion has a specially sewn cover with anti-slip material pasted to the bottom.

Users comments
The cushion is easy to bring along.

Made by
The user’s mother (cushion cover)

Purchased from
Permobil, (cushion), last checked June 2020.

Whose idea
The user

Cushion with air cells and cover

Cushion with air cells and cover

Cushion cover with anti-slip material on bottom

Cushion cover with anti-slip material on bottom

Author: Mikael

Mikael bor med sin sambo i en lägenhet. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 2008 och har en tetraplegi (C5-6). Han har ca 30 timmar personlig assistans i veckan.

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