Mattress for pressure ulcer prevention, with compressor

Hanging the compressor on a string can reduce vibrations.

A thick mattress with a plastic cover lies on an electrically adjustable bed. A compressor hangs from the foot end of the bed.

Mattress for pressure ulcer prevention

The Nimbus mattress consists of a mattress and a compressor. No other mattress is needed. A built-in sensor automatically detects the user’s weight. The Nimbus consists of air cells that continuously change the pressure. The mattress has a static setting that makes it easier to dress or turn around in bed. The compressor is supposed to hang on the bed frame. Here the compressor hangs on a string to reduce the noise level and eliminate vibrations.

Modell: Nimbus 4

Users comments
He even takes the mattress with him when he travels. Although it is large, it is worth bringing along to prevent pressure ulcers.

Made by
arjo,  (last checked March 2020).

Paid for by
County council

Whose idea
Conny Örnsved (string)

Editors comments
The pressure sore team of Rehab Station Stockholm recommends Hill-Roms Duo 2, (last checked March 2020) as therapeutic mattress for preventing pressure sores. The mattress automatically sets different zones based on the user’s individual needs and position in bed. The pump does not make noise. It has a “firm” setting that makes it easier to turn over, with a warning signal as a reminder to reset the mattress to the original setting. The controls are available with a long hose so the user can take care of it unassisted.

You see the footend of the bed. A compressor is hanging on strings tied to bed frame

Compressor hanging on string tied to bed frame

Author: Conny

Conny bor ihop med sina döttrar i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1994 skadade han sig och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4). Han har personlig assistans dygnet rund, därav 3,5 timmar dubbel bemanning.

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