Lap tray that stays on lap

Tray with many applications for people who drive a wheelchair

User relieves pressure on seat by leaning forward on tray

User relieves pressure on seat by leaning forward on tray

Tray with bean bag on the bottom. The bean bag adapts to the user’s lap and remains stable. The tray has many applications:
– relief for the seat. The user places a cushion on the tray and leans forward on it
– transport objects
– wheelchair/work table to work on computer, have a snack, etc

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In Sweden for example (last checked February 2022)

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The user

User transports food on tray

User transports food on tray

User with tray on his lap

User with tray

Author: Tomas

Tomas bor ihop med sambo i en lägenhet. Han arbetar 25% som fotograf. Han skadade sig 1983 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Han har hemtjänst i assistansliknande form en timme dagligen.

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