Train a service dog by ‘clicking’

– a training method for service dogs

The user pats her service dog

User with her service dog

Services dogs learn new behaviors through clicker training. The owner uses a small ‘clicker’ that makes a clicking sound.

First the owner teaches the dog that ‘clicking’ is positive feedback by giving a treat with every click. Then the owner can ‘click’ the dog to shape a behavior: for example, if you want the dog to go to a certain place, say, ‘guess’ and click each time the dog turns toward the desired goal. Continue until the dog reaches the desired object/place.

Users comments
A service dog needs regular training. ‘Clicking’ is good training and mental exercise for the dog.

The dog looks at the user with interest

User clicks

User has dog treats on her lap and pets the dog

Dog receives positive feedback

Clicker and service dog broschure

Clicker and service dog broschure

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Author: Ulla

Ulla bor ihop med sin sambo i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1973 och har en hög paraplegi.

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