Picking up small objects from the floor

Persons without finger function use a playing card to pick small objects up from the floor.

User holds playing card; driving licence is on floor

User holds playing card; driving licence is on floor

Technique to pick something up that was dropped on the floor:
A technique the user uses if he drops something like a driving licence on the floor and cannot pick it up (or something with the same shape that he cannot grasp). The user places an ordinary playing card in his hand (inserts it between two fingers) and uses the card to push the driving license against a fixed object, such as a table leg. Then he slides the playing card under the driving license, gets a grip on it and picks it up together with the playing card.

User uses playing card to manipulate driving licence against table leg

User uses playing card to manipulate driving licence against table leg

User slides playing card in under driving licence and lifts them up together

User slides playing card in under driving licence and lifts them up together

Author: Gert

Gert bor i lägenhet mitt inne i stan. Han arbetar halvtid och har utöver det ett antal politiska förtroendeuppdrag i kommunen. Skadade sig 1973 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Har inte någon personlig assistent utan använder sig av hemtjänst sammanlagt ca 2 tim/dag.

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