Adapted grip for car keys

Customized grip for car keys suitable for persons with impaired hand function

Adapted car key with large grip

Adapted car key with large grip

The grip is a metal plate screwed onto the key. This modification to the car keys was made when the vehicle was adapted.

Made by
Per Stjärnehag, updated by Autoadapt, Stenkullen

Whose idea
Per Stjärnehag

Adapted car key with large grip
Adapted car key with large grip

Author: Bruno

Bruno bor i lägenhet och arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1974 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Opererades 1977 för att få armsträckare och tumgrepp. Han har personlig assistans 7 timmar dagligen plus nattpatrull.

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